Sunday, October 19, 2008

On being "Luke's Wife"

Most of the time when I walk into a room, I get the "she looks familiar, but I don't know where from" look.   Or maybe just a blank stare, as there is no recollection what-so-ever.  I'm vanilla.  A Plain Jane.  Nothing stands out.  Nothing rememberable.  I'm not saying I'm ugly, just not memorable.  It's okay.  I've gotten used to it.  I guess it's better than being recognized by my big fat neck goiter or something, right? (No offense to anyone with neck goiters).  (And please don't feel the need to comment that I am NOT plain, or that I'm NOT vanilla.  I'm not fishing for compliments.  It's just fact.  My unscientific studies have proven it).

And then in walks Luke.  And people who have only met him like one time, like 20 years ago, instantly know who he is....and now they know who I am....."Luke's wife".  

These are actually not very becoming pictures of either of us, but one of the kids took them, and I thought they were interesting.  

Luke definitely has a unique look.  But I am not sure it is just that.  I think he has a personality that people are drawn to, and remember him because of it.  He was that kid in school that was popular but didn't even know it.  He was "cool" without even trying.  (If any CVHS alumni are reading this and disagree - feel free to post!  Maybe I've got my perceptions wrong).

So yesterday I'm at a birthday party sans Luke, and halfway through the party I get the "hey you're Luke's wife, right?" from the brother of my friend (who is the host) and who I knew before he even knew Luke.  And what I wanted to say was "Yah.  I'm the wife of the guy you ONLY know through your sister, through ME.  That's me.  His wife."  

Now "friend" if you are reading this, don't feel bad about your brother.  It happens all the time, this just happened to be the most recent, thus the focus of my random post.

We had a joke awhile back where he would call me "Mrs. Luke".  It was from some movie, can't remember which one.  It always prevoked a serious eye-roll.  Who knew how true it was?

This my friends, is what it's like to be Luke's Wife.

Mr & Mrs Luke


Michelle Riggs said...

You have beautiful family.

thanks for praying for Abby.

Abby loved dancing to the music on your blog. :-)

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I just happened on your blog today. I know you aren't fishing for compliments, but I think you are lovely in those pictures. My husband is shy, so we don't quite have that exact issue, but we he has his PhD and often times when our children do something impressive people will comment..."Of course they are smart, their daddy has a PhD." Now I am proud of my husband, but can I just say that sometimes it makes me feel like I'm some circus act or something married to the smart guy.

Danika said...

I can totally relate, same exact issue in my fam:) Mrs. Noah, that is me. I've adjusted. How blessed we are to have such awesome husbands, that God chose us to be their wives, even if it means we gain their name and loose ours!
And by the way, I don't think you're any plain vanilla. You are an incredible woman of God, who loves Jesus and that is a quality not everyone has:)

brian c. berry said...

this post made me laugh out loud. and I'm in a coffee shop.

Here's my thoughts.

#1. I think inside, I've always wanted a piece of me to be like Luke.
#2. I think he married up.
#3. I think you should take up some weird quirk, like maybe wear some obnoxious perfume so you become the girl who smells like "kiwi".
#4. I can't stop laughing.
#5. Didn't Luke tatoo your name on his wedding finger? I think you should know that secretly, he wishes he were you.

ok... that's all. you make me smile. bye.

Melissa :) said...

Hi Amy! Thanks for signing my blog. :)

I could go so far with this particular post of yours. LOL In my opinion, it's along the lines of "losing yourself" which I have wanted to post about for quite some time.

Anyway, your family is precious! You & hubby are quite adorable too. :)

Can't wait to read more! :)