Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It was frozen!

If you've been checking this blog, wondering when I was going to update it.  You should know that my blog was frozen in cyber-space.  I accidentally deleted my google account (Bloggers - NEVER do this to yourselves - learn from my mistake), and lost all access to my blogs.  This one stayed up (minus the pictures), but I couldn't access it.  My other blog came down completely.  After much research and agony, I thought they were gone forever.

THANKFULLY some of the Blogger Support Team at Google had mercy on me, and restored my account!  It took a lot of doing, and some persistence on my part, and the help of some friends (& strangers) for my case to get to the right people.  

So here I am.  I'm baaaaack.  And I have a few updates.  But no time right now.  So I will be back soon!

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