Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday - a new day

We slept in until 11:00am.  Well, I did.  Genevieve got up with the alarm at 9:00, got herself dressed, then realized I wasn't going anywhere and she got back in bed with me.

With a full night's sleep, some daylight, San Miguel was looking much better to me.  

This is the inside or courtyard of where we are staying.  The big wall and metal door on the street is deceptive of what's inside.
I got dressed and we were getting ready to leave for the day.  Then the B&B owner used her key and came into our room without knocking.  Nice.  She apparently needed to get some towels from the closet in our room and thought we were gone.  A simple knock at the door would have told her otherwise.  But This Is Mexico - here on out referred to as "TIM".  

We jump on a bus because Genevieve wanted to ride one ever so badly.  I ask someone at the stop where the bus went, and thought I knew where I was going.  But the bus driver told me to get off somewhere else.  Apparently he didn't go where I thought (or was told) he went.  Our main goal for the day was to find Centro Bilingue -the language school we will attending tomorrow.  Just wanted to find it so we could get there on time at 8:30 monday morning.  
But once again we are starving.  We find a place at the Jardin (the town square) called La Terazza.  I have Genevieve excited about pancakes, but by the time the waiter actually comes to TAKE our order, they are done serving desayuno, and have moved on to the comida menu.   Apparently they stop serving breakfast at 1:00pm.  Who knew.  So we order 1 hamburgessa con queso, 1 order of papas fritas and 1 refresca naranja, (which G was pretty happy with), and the bill is $125 pesos!  That's $10 USD.  CrAzY.  It's freaking Mexico for crying out loud. 

Comida was done, it took like an hour and a half.  Service is slooooooooow here.  Especially for a woman and child.

We went and found the school.  It was closed since it's Sunday but at least we know where it's at.

Now for the fun part.  At the town square (La Jardin. Or El Jardin....I don't know), there was a clown putting on a performance for kids and families.  We sat down to watch.  We didn't understand a thing he was saying but he was apparently quite funny as everyone was laughing.  He had a good audience of about 150 people I would guess.  He then starts asking for volunteers.  4 boys, then 4 girls.  Genevieve (surprised me) and raised her hand and was picked.  As she goes with the clown I call out "no habla espanol!", so he would know.  
The clown lines up 4 pairs by height.  Each pair has a boy and a girl.  He then leads them in a version of "Simon Says". Genevieve doesn't understand his words, but follows her partner and teh ones around her.  He has them put their hand on their partners head.  Then on their partners shoulder.  The he has them go forehead to forehead.  Cheek to cheek.  Everyone is cracking up by now.  Nose to nose.  Chin to chin.  Then he speeds it up and has them do it all over again really fast, and the last thing he says is lips to lips.  Poor Geneveive doesn't even know what he said and gets lips planted on her.  The 2 older pairs balked at the last request, and were dismissed from the game.  The 2 younger pairs were declared the winners and given a prize.  

Genevieve later told me that she had fun, except at the end.  She said it was like they were getting married, but didn't get to pick who she married.  =)

(she's talking in her sleep as I type this).  

After that we did a lot of walking around.  We discovered Starbucks - which is sooo weird.

And finally hopped on another bus (which didn't really take me where I wanted to go), to come "home". The plan was to take a little rest and grab a late dinner, which is customary here.  But I was too tired to go back out, so we had a seriously healthy dinner of granola bars, cheese-its, and popcorn.  

I finished off the evening with ichatting Luke, and blogging =).

It's now midnight (10:00 CA time), and I need to hit the hay because the alarm will ring at 7:00 for the first day of school.  


1 comment:

. said...

Sounds like quite the adventure you are on there.....not sure how I would do there with one of the kids and no other adult. I hope the first day of school goes well.