Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Been feeling crafty

I've been busy!  I made this little crayon holder for my niece Paige for her 4th birthday.  It holds those little mini Crayola Twistables (which I love, because they don't break!)

I also made her a little coloring book
And here is my fancy-shmancy cam-corder strap.  Why I felt the need to doll it up...I don't know.  It's the small things in life sometimes...
Guaranteed I will be able to recognize it if it's ever lost in a sea of other cam-corders!  But who am I joking.  I don't take this thing anywhere anymore.  That ended with the arrival of kids numbers 2 & 3.  Ha!  I'm pretty sure by doing this I have ended the chance of Luke ever carrying this in public.  I guess I could have picked something a little more manly than strawberries...

I also made our friends daughter a dress for her 2nd birthday.  Completely forgot to take a picture of it though.  I'm going to have to see if I can still do that.  I'll post when I get one.


Terpstra East said...

Ooooh, super cute. Going on the project list :) That would be great for when the kids want to take crayons and paper with us somewhere... especially places like waiting rooms and things where they need something to do. Love it!

Michele said...

OMG Amy you are too freakin' cute and crafty!!! Love it all!

Kate said...

Why in the world don't you have an Etsy account and SELL these beautiful creations of yours?!?!?! Then your profits could go to schools/orphanages in Kenya or something.... I'm just sayin'.
On another note I actually purchased a really cute camera strap for our DSLR off of Etsy, and sadly, Joe won't use it when the strap is on it. Boo.

Misi said...

Hi thanks for visiting.. I will write more soon-promise:) It's just hard to re-visit all those negative emotions, ya know?